Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Urban Dictionary Has a go at Defining 'Inner Beauty'.

inner beauty

Beauty on the inside; being "nice" and considerate to all. Is commonly confused with "what ugly people say to make themselves feel better", which is incorrect.
Someone who truly loves you will accept you for your inner beauty, not for what you look like.

Inner Beauty
Inner beauty basically means being a generally good person. Being kind, honest, etc.

Many people think inner beauty is just a phrase "used for ugly people to make them feel better about themselves." People who think that are sorely mistaken.

Not all people who have inner beauty are "ugly," in fact, many people with inner beauty also have outer beauty. So you can't just look at someone and know if they have inner beauty, you have to get to know them first.
Ever heard the phrase, "It's what's on the inside that counts"? It's true.

She doesn't have any inner beauty, the only thing she has is her looks.

inner beauty

A term ugly, undesirable and inadequate people use to make themselves feel less ugly, more desirable and sexually adequate. This phrase goes alone the lines of adages such as, "Looks are only skin deep," and "It's what's on the inside that counts," although everyone knows the adage should really be, "It's what's on the outside that counts."
"Inner beauty won't get you laid." -Omega-Jerry

Any advances on these? I think yes.

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